tractive rd906 6-speed sequential rwd gearbox complete new kit
tractive rd906 6-speed sequential rwd gearbox complete new kit
tractive rd906 6-speed sequential rwd gearbox complete new kit
7.000 €
Autor: HEMA11
Publicado en: Piezas de Competición / Cajas de Cambio
Publicado el: 13-May-2023 14:29
Referencia: 749874
Visualizaciones: 830
Provincia: Madrid
Pais: España
Teléfono: 52342432
Tag: T-Shirt, Women, Top

Tractive RD906 6-Speed Sequential RWD Gearbox Complete New Kit

For a fast sale contact me direct by e-mail at:

Number of gears: 6 forwards, 1 reverse

Gear sequence: R-0-1-2-3-4-5-6

Recommended max engine torque: 700 Nm

Weight: 35 kg

Oil capacity: 1.3 L

Oil spec: Wet sump. GL5 spec. transmission oil

Tractive recommends SAE 90 gear oil, available from Tractive in 1 L bottles

Ratios supplied in stocked gearboxes::

1 - 2.308

2 - 1.75

3 - 1.44

4 - 1.24

5 - 1.08

6 - 0.96

Complete kit includes:

RD90 Gearbox

Gear lever with linkage

Gear knob

2 x 1L of oil