Porsche 944 phase 2 rally car Porsche 944 phase 2 rally car Porsche 944 phase 2 rally car Porsche 944 phase 2 rally car Porsche 944 phase 2 rally car
Porsche 944 phase 2 rally car
Porsche 944 2,5 1985 165 000 kms reprise possible alfa gtv6 je suis a perpignan , a 30 kms de figueres , 60 kms de girone
Autor: JACK66
Publicado en: Vehículos de Competición / Porsche
Publicado el: 26-Sep-2019 07:39
Referencia: 721929
Visualizaciones: 6264
Teléfono: +33625646606
Tag: T-Shirt, Women, Top
porsche 944 2,5 1985 165 000 kms reprise possible alfa gtv6 je suis a perpignan , a 30 kms de figueres , 60 kms de girone
LORUSSOGGIUSEPPE el 23-Abr-2020 20:22

Hello, my name is Lorusso Giuseppe. Still for sale the car ? I am very interrested to buy it ,if we can find a deal. Best regards