Porsche 356b engine 1960 Porsche 356b engine 1960
Porsche 356b engine 1960
Porsche 356b engine super 90 1.6l 1960
5 €
Autor: PRINT2
Publicado en: Piezas de Competición / Motores
Publicado el: 16-Jun-2022 10:06
Referencia: 744415
Visualizaciones: 498
Provincia: Baden-Württemberg
Pais: Deutschland
Teléfono: +4915145099737
Tag: T-Shirt, Women, Top

The engine retains a distributor, a generator, a mechanical fuel pump, a cooling fan, and dual Solex-style carburetors as well as a flywheel and exhaust components.This 1.6-liter Type 616/7 flat-four was originally produced for use in a 1960 Porsche 356B Super 90.Replacement dual Solex-style carburetors are fitted, and the removed factory Solex carburetors are included in the sale

PRINT2 el 16-Jun-2022 10:27

Price EUR 5,200 plus delivery.